Practitioner Training

About us

Understand the different thinking dimensions of the brain and use your knowledge to guide companies and individuals in their decision making and strategic planning in this existing business opportunity.

***ONLY available for Southern Africa residents. Proof of address will be requested before you can go ahead.

(Click Subscribe for 3 Month Down Payment Plan)

We have the best instructors

We have the best instructors

Our NBI Instructors have the combined training experience of 30+ years. Training NBI Practitioners from all over the world.

Raché Rutherford

With more than 20 years of training experience and her doctorate in education, and a specialist in applying the NBI to education and relationships, Dr Raché will masterfully guide you through this training.

Karen Hodges

As registered NBI whole-brain practitioner and master trainer Karen leads companies to achieve goals, improve communication. Guiding organisations to effectively employ and tap into the diversity of thinking styles in the workplace.

Heinz Neethling

Every continent has felt Heinz’s presence as he has traveled all over the world training practitioners and companies to become whole-brain specialists.

Marita Durr

Practicing coach and operations manager of the NBI Admin system, Marita will take you through the ins-and-outs of the practical aspects behind being an NBI Practitioner.

Changing the World, One Brain Profile at a Time

The Whole-Brain training course is specifically aimed at equipping people to become practitioners of the NBI®. This hands-on course provides the necessary insight, knowledge, skills, and techniques for applying the NBI® to individuals, groups, teams, and classrooms. Practitioners will also be qualified to give guidance to adults and children regarding their thinking preferences. Dr Rache Rutherford discusses in the video below why the world needs NBI Practitioners.

The course will provide attendees with a better understanding of thinking preferences, the brain quadrants, and the 8 dimensions of the brain. Attendees will be also be taken through various applications of the NBI® in a variety of settings. As part of learning about NBI®, each attendee will complete their own NBI® Adult prior to the training and be debriefed on their thinking preferences during the course.

Benefits of Doing This Training

The training include 5 Free Profiles. Upon completion of the course, participants gain the right to act as practitioners of the NBI® and obtain their own internet dashboards and tools for administering and reporting on profiles.

These are some of the environments in which you will be able apply the Neethling Brain Instruments:

  • Leadership and Businesses – Help business and leaders move from strength to strength
  • Career and Education Choices – Help students and career seekers to make the right study and career choices
  • Inter-Personal Relationships – Work with families and to enhance parenting styles and family cohesion
  • Romantic Relationships – Build up relationships in how well people are able to relate to each other
  • Career Choices – Choosing the right career for the right person through your guidance

This list, however, is so to say endless. Because the focus of the Neethling Brain Instruments is on thinking preferences, you have the license as an NBI Practitioner to apply the instruments in any environment where people can benefit from learning about their own unique thought-life. We stress to all our practitioners that what you learn about people in profiles is always an opportunity to edify them. There is no wrong or right profile. One can just observe that at times it is better to be very structured and organised, and other times versatile and fluid. This is just one very general way of thinking about how one would go about applying the knowledge gained in this training.

Convenient Delivery, Wide Application

The course can be done either Face-to-Face in Pretoria, South Africa, or online in your own home and own time. However you decide to do it, it is bound to affect your life positively. Watch this video below to hear Dr Kobus Neethling, developer of the Neethling Brain Instruments, talk about the myriad of applications of the NBI.

More Than 20 Years of Research

The Neethling Brain Instruments are a collection of brain profiling instruments that are based on more than 20 years of research. The application of this knowledge reaches as far as the person applying it is willing to go. Wherever there are people thinking, there is a need for these instruments to be used. The subjects you will cover in this course will all center around the four-quadrant and 8-dimensional models. They are summarised as L1, L2, R1, R2. Please see the image below for a brief overview of these quadrants.

The course will take you on a deep dive into the 8-brain model as pioneered by Dr Kobus Neethling. This model is an in-depth account of an individual’s thinking preferences across a wide variety of settings. It’ll help explain the small differences between children who otherwise seem so different, or why a group of engineers does not agree on how to implement their designs. 

This quadrant covers the two dimensions of Analyst and Realist. Please see the image above for a brief synopsis of the overall quadrant.
Inclusive of the Organiser and Preserver dimensions, this quadrant is characterised by the propensity for structure and traditional approaches.
This quadrant includes the dimensions of Socialiser and Empathiser.
Imagineer and Strategist are the dimensions of this quadrant.

Yes, the above descriptions are quite vague, but you will have to do the course to unlock this knowledge. But just to give you an idea about why it is necessary to delve as deep as eight dimensions, let’s look into the reasons why Dr Neethling did his research. When working with four quadrants, he saw a marked difference in many people who were strong in the R2 quadrant. It is the differences between people who are strong in this quadrant that cued him to push further. Essentially, what he noticed was that while all people with a strong preference for R2 thinking like being with people, some prefer bigger groups and others want a connection between only a few people. Hence he saw the need to differentiate between the socialiser and the empathiser. Your course instructors will walk you through these findings.

No Requirements, Just Benefits

Yes, this last tab is, in fact, a trap! But please let that not detract from the fact that we cannot fully describe the extent to which your life is going to change after doing this course. There are no prior requirements  to be able to do it, which means it is yours for the taking. Consider some of the following as ways in which your life will be better off once you become an NBI Practitoner:

Nobody who has done this training has come out of the other side completely the same. Although, that is a bit of a misleading statement. You will be precisely who you were before you entered into the training, only more self-aware. The training will equip you with a newfound appreciation for your own thinking preferences. You will also be eager to share the enlivening news with your loved ones and colleagues. This is a natural part of discovering a treasure: wanting to share it with others. Read some of the testimonials below to see what it has meant for others.

Build Your Future with Renewed Vigor

Every family needs a breakthrough at some point, every business is looking for a way to get an edge over the competition. Becoming an NBI Practitioner may be a business in itself from some people, while for others it could be the tool in their arsenal which will serve them in the good and the bad times. It is, in essence, a tool of possibility: a perpetual view of the horizon of where things could possibly go…

Different Training Versions

At The KNI we offer our clients the option of 2 different training options.

Online NBI Practitioner Training

Click here to download the Online NBI Practitioner Training Brochure.

Classroom Style Training

Click here to download the NBI Practitioner Training Classroom Brochure.

Your payment options for the Online NBI Practitioner Training:

Option 1 – 3 Month Down Payment Plan ( 3 x R4 200 = R 12 600)

Option 2 – Once off Payment (R12 500)

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Training Option