Our personal thinking preferences begin to develop during childhood years. They manifest in the ways in which children prefer to learn and study. In today’s competitive world, education has become more important than ever, and the NBI® can help children gain the mental whole-brain edge they need to become successful, well-adjusted adults.

By identifying the personal thinking preferences of children, parents, and teachers, learning can be tailored to achieve successful results. Study methods and learning environments can be adapted so as to create the ideal space for learning. Conflict will be reduced as communication becomes more effective.

Education and Parenting Profiles

This instrument measures thinking preferences. Gaining insight into the way we prefer to think makes us more aware of and sensitive to the preferences of others.

Developing better relationships, making more dynamic contributions in the team and making sound and relevant decisions are but a few of the advantages of understanding your own thinking profile. Making more accurate job and career choices or determining the correct subject or study selections, could eventually lead to a more productive and fulfilled personal and professional life.

Because the focus of this NBI® profile is on thinking preferences, the end result is neither good nor bad. The NBI® provides a profile of thinking preference which is a descriptive, objective analysis of the individual’s thinking choices, with no profile being better or worse than another.

Why do we need two types of NBI® – one to focus on thinking preferences and the other to assess skills?

A person could well have a preference for certain things without the ability to see it through. For example, it is possible that an individual could have a very strong preference for order, planning and organisation, but has never had the opportunity to develop the skills to plan and organise.

On the other hand, it is possible that a person could have excellent skills to be a banker, but have a very low preference for the processes associated with the job. This, of course, could lead to a lot of frustration! The individual would therefore not be able to sustain the passion and energy to stay happy and productive in the banking environment.

A person’s brain is divided into four different thinking quadrants:
L1 – Analytical and factual
L2 – Organised and detailed
R2 – Interpersonal and sensitive
R1 – Strategic and unorthodox

Each of the four quadrants is further divided in two to give 8 distinct dimensions to a person’s thinking preference.

The Brain Profile gives an indication of how:

  • You act towards other people
  • You do business
  • You communicate
  • You learn
  • You teach
  • You solve problems
  • You form relationships
  • You play sport etc.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 1 000.00 ZAR

Your Creativity Profile will give you insight into “how you are creative”. Every human being is born with creativity at a superior level, but unfortunately the majority of us lose some of our creativity because of conditioning processes.

This Instrument identifies the type of creativity you use and apply. Because the focus is on thinking preferences the end result is neither good nor bad. The NBI® Creativity Style Profile is a descriptive and objective analysis of the individual’s thinking choices, with no profile being better or worse than another. Instead, the report gives a description of an individual’s thought preferences, and makes recommendations based on those.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 500.00 ZAR

Your Parenting Profile will give you an insight into your parenting style; issues that are important to you (but maybe not to your child or partner!) and even where there could be room for improvement!

Developing better relationships, making more dynamic contributions in the family and making sound and relevant decisions are but a few of the advantages of understanding your own thinking profile.

Because the focus is on thinking preferences the end result is neither good nor bad. The NBI® Parenting Profile is a descriptive and objective analysis of the individual’s thinking choices, with no profile being better or worse than another. Instead, the report gives a description of an individual’s thought preferences, and makes recommendations based on those.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 500.00 ZAR

This indicator measures preferences. It is very important that you, as teacher and parent, should understand that your thinking preferences and those of your child will determine amongst other things how you make decisions, communicate, educate, form relationships and eventually, how you live your life. Insight and knowledge regarding your brain profile and that of your child will:

  • Give your child the ultimate edge in coping with his/her world.
  • Give you unique insight into your child’s thinking preferences.
  • Understand why one child differs from the other.
  • Enable you to create an ideal environment for your child.
  • Apply whole brain creativity.
  • Know why one child communicates, plays and learns differently from the other.
  • Fill the gaps at an early age.
  • Make you the whole brain parent/teacher you always wanted to be.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 250.00 ZAR

The NBI® Teacher/Trainer Instrument is a special version of the adult instrument. The focus is on your thinking preferences in the teaching and training environment. The brain profile and the report are written with a teacher/trainer focus.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 1 000.00 ZAR

Your Learning Profile will give you an insight into your learning style, issues that are important to you when studying and also identifies where there could be room for improvement!

Developing a better learning style, increased concentration and better results are but a few of the advantages of understanding your own thinking profile.

Because the focus is on thinking preferences the end result is neither good nor bad. The NBI® Learning Profile is a descriptive and objective analysis of the individual’s thinking choices, with no profile being better or worse than another. Instead, the report gives a description of an individual’s thought preferences, and makes recommendations based on those.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 500.00 ZAR

These are instruments which measure your thinking preferences as a student. Why is it that some students prefer a quiet environment whilst others seem to work well with loud music and a messy workplace? Why are some students keen on Maths and Science whilst others prefer the arts and humanities?

Subject choices at school – and a career choice a little later – are key decisions for EVERY student!

Making the wrong choices can often lead to poor performance and years of frustration for the student, the teachers and of course the parents.

Making an informed decision on the other hand can lead to a lot of satisfaction and achievement as a student as well as an interesting and rewarding career.

Because subject and career choices are so important for future success and happiness, the NBI® Senior Student Instruments are offered at a special subsidised rate!

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 500.00 ZAR

These are instruments which measure your thinking preferences as a student. Why is it that some students prefer a quiet environment whilst others seem to work well with loud music and a messy workplace? Why are some students keen on Maths and Science whilst others prefer the arts and humanities?

Subject choices at school – and a career choice a little later – are key decisions for EVERY student!

Making the wrong choices can often lead to poor performance and years of frustration for the student, the teachers and of course the parents.

Making an informed decision on the other hand can lead to a lot of satisfaction and achievement as a student as well as an interesting and rewarding career.

Because subject and career choices are so important for future success and happiness, the NBI® Junior Student Instruments are offered at a special subsidised rate!

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 375.00 ZAR

Your Relationship Profile will give you an insight into your relationship style and issues that are important to you (but maybe not to your partner!) and even where there could be room for improvement!

Developing better relationships, making more dynamic contributions within the relationship and making sound and relevant decisions are but a few of the advantages of understanding your own thinking profile.

Because the focus is on thinking preferences the end result is neither good nor bad. The NBI® Relationship Profile is a descriptive and objective analysis of the individual’s thinking choices, with no profile being better or worse than another. Instead, the report gives a description of an individual’s thought preferences, and makes recommendations based on those.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 500.00 ZAR

The NBI Student Picture Profile instrument offers insight into the way you prefer to think, and increases your awareness of and sensitivity to, the thinking preferences of others.

Understanding your thinking profile will enable you to develop better relationships, make more dynamic contributions in a team context, and make sound and relevant decisions. It will also put you in a position to make more accurate job and career choices, and to determine the correct subject or field of study for you academic life, leading to a more productive and fulfilling personal and professional life.

The NBI Picture profile measures thinking preferences, and not the skills or abilities necessary to execute those preferences. It is therefore possible that an individual could have a very strong preference for order, planning and organisation, but has never had the opportunity to develop the skills to plan and organise. The recommendation in this instance would be that since the desire is there, the skills to support that desire should be developed in order to be effective in a given career.

Duration: 15-25 minutes
Price: R 375.00 ZAR

Note: Please note none of these profiles include a Professional feedback session by a Certified NBI Practitioner. For a feedback session, please search in the map below to find a practitioner near you or online.

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